hello alcohollywood!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

this is really random.. but i was having this conversation with a friend today. it went along the lines of saying so and so is quite hot and blahblah.. until it went to the question.. "so course is she in now?".."biomedical science.." .. "oh sorry ah, wrong course."

is this how superficial we've turned out to be? that we actually judge someone by what course he/she is taking. that we actually judge someone by what he/she wears.. blahblah. are we really selective beings?

hard fact to accept i guess.. but we're all superficial beings. and we're all very plastic. and very materialistic. and very judgemental. and sometimes quite selective.

and im sorry, im not only talking about myself. yes, im talking to you.

so am i saying that we choose who we want to know/befriend by what course they're in.. what industry they're working in.. what kinda clothes are they wearing.. the way the talk.. the things they talk about.. the whole outside thingy. and not the inside thingy. am i making sense?

so tell me, do you enjoy those 2 minute conversations?

i saw my friend earlier on at heeren. hmmm.. we hung out for about a month plus? but when i saw her, i kinda switched lanes while walking cos i was feeling grouchy and i really didnt want to have the whole excited hello conversation.................. and then after that, i thought to myself.. why cannot just continue walking in the same lane and dont be so selective. just because im grouchy about the camera doesnt give me a right to be unfriendly... right??

aiyah.. dunno lah.. up to you lor.


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